If you need a helping hand with your WordPress website, then you have come to the right place. If you’re planning on starting a brand new website from scratch or building your existing one: then we have got you covered. We can help you build your business whether it will be a blog, business website, or a E-Commerce site. Let us know which one persists you to continue on and we can help you along the way. We will help you with customizing the theme, installing the right plug-ins, choosing the right colors and layout, placing images and videos on your site, and so much more. Producing websites can be time consuming and we are here to help to take the burden off your shoulder while you focus on other things needed to keep your business moving as it should.


Placing an order for WordPress Assistance after you have already purchased a domain name and hosting account as well as connected your servers to get the website together. You will need to login to your website and go to USERS from the admin panel on the sidebar. Add new user. Create a username and password for me to use. Place my contact email(provided at the bottom of this page) in the email(required) box. In the box marked Role, place me as an Administrator and check the box(Send new user an email about their account) and click Add New User at the bottom. You will still have access to your website while things are being created, but we encourage you not to make any posts or pages or add anything to your website while it is under our care. If you need something changed or added to while we are building your site. Please email us so that we can make the change or wait until we have completed the site and everything is back to being under your care. Thank you.

Blog Website $100

Business Website $400

E-Commerce Website $900

custom requests for blog
requests for business website
requests for E-Commerce website